Three words encapsulate your Northeastern University experience:
Humanity | Transformative | Equal Opportunities

What were some of the reasons you chose to join the Northeastern community? Since joining, what have been some of the opportunities and challenges you have experienced?

What has your journey at Northeastern University revelated to you about yourself?

I’ve been put in a position to make positive change and encourage others to get their degrees by supporting them with wrap around services. I’m inspired daily to achieve success, big or small! Being able to motivate the students and keep them on the right trajectory is gratifying.

What advice do you have for those considering higher education — either at Northeastern or elsewhere?

Higher education presents the opportunity to grant a competitive edge over others in the market. It is also a place where you have the opportunity to network and grow professionally. Northeastern offers an amount of support that I’ve never seen before! I absolutely love it here!

We know you are more than the person who shows up at Northeastern — what are some of your hobbies and other passions? Where do you find your joy?

My favorite hobby is to DJ. I’ve been djying since college and it’s truly a passion of mine! I also love to go fishing with my family. It’s always enjoyable to bond and get some action!