Kevin Mulvey

Senior Lecturer


Dr. Kevin P. Mulvey lives in Hanoi, Vietnam and has worked in Southeast Asia, Ukraine, and the Central Asia Republics. He is an Applied Sociologist with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) assigned to the Southeast Asia Regional Office as part of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) at the US Embassy. He is the Senior Technical Officer for HIV and Drug Use Interventions. Prior to joining PEPFAR, Dr. Mulvey was with SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Division of Knowledge Application and Systems Improvement and was Chief of the Program Assessment and Applications branch.

His primary projects at CSAP involve sound prevention programming and data and evaluation outcomes within the implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. In addition, he has worked within SAMHSA at the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), and the Center for Applied Studies. He has directed an evaluation of a large knowledge application program at the center. His areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following sub-populations: homelessness, criminal justice, and substance users/abusers. He is also a Senior Lecturer in Liberal Arts at Northeastern University where he received the 1998 Garth Pittman Award for Teaching Excellence and currently teaches distance learning hybrid courses in "Sociology of Drinking," "Drugs and Society," "Sociology of AIDS," and "Social Research Methods." 

Prior working in the Federal Government, he was the Director of Evaluation on a three year NIAAA demonstration grant 88-91 in Boston. In this capacity, he helped implement the program aspects of the project as well as designed and implemented the data collection activities of the evaluation and managed project staff. Additionally, he was the Senior Evaluator on a five-year CSAT Boston Target Cities Demonstration Project where he assisted with the design and implementation of the project. Dr. Mulvey, in his capacity as the Senior Evaluator, assisted project sites and core staff with the utilization of data for management purposes. He assisted the Director of the Evaluation with research activities. He was also the Senior Researcher/Evaluator with the Boston Public Health Commission's Office of Research, Health Assessment, and Data System where he was responsible for the research, evaluation, and reporting activities of the Department of Public Health. 

Dr. Mulvey received his PhD in 1993 from Northeastern University. He also holds a master's degree (1986) in Applied Sociology from the University of Massachusetts Boston as well as a Certificate in Public Health (2004) from the University of North Carolina. His areas of expertise are deviance, applied sociology (specifically program evaluation), and quantitative methodology.


PhD from Northeastern University (1993)