
Beth Rochefort is a Director, Digital Transformation at Northeastern University. In this role she works to advance and implement the strategic vision for Northeastern University’s digital learning platform designed to equip all university learners (inclusive of both for-credit and non-credit settings) with a differentiated and integrative experiential learning experience no matter their learning path, modality, or location. She works collaboratively with university stakeholders to define academic, business, and technical requirements for modularity and stackability, identify points of integration with existing university systems, leverage key infrastructure investments to implement a flexible, global learning ecosystem.

Prior to her work at Northeastern, she worked in the area of instructional design and educational technology at Regis College, Harvard Graduate School of Business as well as several corporate clients, after transitioning from the field of graphic design. She holds a B.A. in Journalism from Northeastern University, an M.Ed in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and an EdD. from Northeastern University. She is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®).

Professional Experience

Please see this link for professional experience.

Area of Expertise

competency-based education, educational technology, instructional design, modular design, online education, project management