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Daniel Murphy

Part-time faculty member in Homeland Security and Strategic Intelligence


Professor Murphy is a part-time faculty member in the Homeland Security and Strategic Intelligence programs at Northeastern University, and a full-time faculty member in Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s Emergency Management and Homeland Security department.  Professor Murphy is also a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve, where he is currently assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) in Newport, RI. 

Professor Murphy has served at sea aboard USS MOUNT WHITNEY (LCC-20) and US Coast Guard Cutters MAUI (WPB 1306), MIDGETT (WHEC 726) and BOUTWELL (WHEC 719).  His shore assignments have included:  US European Command (EUCOM) Staff; Joint Intelligence Center Central Command (CENTCOM); 379th Air Expeditionary Command (forward deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan); Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) Eight; and Navy Recruiting District New England. 

In addition to his 19 years of service in the Navy and Coast Guard, Professor Murphy has served 20 years in the private sector as a management consultant in the Americas and Europe with Ernst & Young, IBM, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Professor Murphy received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts, Master of Arts degree from Georgetown University, Master of Science degree from the National Intelligence University, and Doctor of Education degree from Northeastern. He is a graduate of the American Academy in Rome and the Naval War College, and he is currently pursuing his doctorate degree at Northeastern University. 

Professional Experience

PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYMENT HISTORY                                                                       

Full-Time Faculty, Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Massachusetts Maritime Academy (2017 – present)        

Adjunct Faculty, Homeland Security & Strategic Intelligence, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2015-present)

Adjunct Faculty, Naval Science, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay, MA (2014-2015)

Management Consultant (Principal), North Highland Worldwide Consulting, Atlanta GA (2012-2013)

Management Consultant (Senior Manager), Ernst & Young LLP, Boston MA (2008-2012)

Management Consultant (Senior Manager), IBM Business Consulting Services, Boston MA (2004-2008)

Management Consultant (Principal), PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Boston MA (1999-2004)

Management Consultant (Manager), Renaissance Strategy Group* Inc., Boston, MA  (1997-1999)

*Founded by Harvard Business School Balanced Scorecard inventors David Norton and Robert Kaplan

Management Consultant (Senior Business Consultant), Arthur Andersen LLP, Chicago IL and Hartford CT (1993-1997)


MILITARY RESERVE AND ACTIVE DUTY ASSIGNMENTS                                                       

Department Head, U.S. European Command Headquarters Staff, Quincy MA (2017-present)

Intelligence Analyst, Office of Naval Intelligence (Reserve Duty), Newport RI (2017)

Division Officer, Navy Recruiting District New England (Active Duty Recall), Boston MA (2013-2017)

Executive Officer, U.S. European Command Staff Detachment (Reserve Duty), Fort Devens MA (2013-2015)

Intelligence Analyst, Joint Intelligence Center (JICCENT) Central Command (Reserve Duty), Fort Devens MA (2010 – 2013)

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Collections Manager, 609th Combined Air and Space Operations Center,

Intelligence Department Head (N2), Maritime (Riverine) Squadron Eight (Reserve Duty), Newport RI (2008 – 2010)

Intelligence Analyst and Division Officer, Office of Naval Intelligence (Reserve Duty), Newport RI (2005 – 2008)

Staff Officer, US Coast Guard Headquarters (Active Duty), Washington DC (1990-1994)

Division Officer/Intelligence Officer, Coast Guard Cutter Boutwell – WHEC 719, (Active Duty), San Francisco CA (1989-1990) 

Staff /Deck Officer, 7th Coast Guard District & Coast Guard Cutter Maui – WPB 1306, (Active Duty), Miami FL (1988-1989)

Professional Activities & Accomplishments

Recent Publications and Guest Lectures

U.S. National Security and Intelligence Community, Guest Lectures, Escuela de Defensa Nacional, Argentina, 2016.

How the J2/N2 Can Play a Leading Role in More Data-Informed Regional Maritime Security Cooperation Planning, Naval Intelligence Professionals Quarterly (online edition), July 2016.

Building the Right Alliances: A Comparative Intelligence Assessment Model for Regional Maritime Security Cooperation Planning, (nominated for Outstanding Master’s Thesis on Operational Intelligence), National Intelligence University, 2013.

“Russia’s World Turned Upside Down: How oil, melting ice, and shifts in military and economic power will shape Russian naval strategy,” (feature article) Naval Institute Proceedings, (peer-reviewed journal) May 2012.

“Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) in the Littoral Fight,” Naval Intelligence Professionals Quarterly, 2011. 

Military Awards

29 military service medals and ribbons, including: Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (x5), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (x4), Coast Guard Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, NATO ISAF Medal (Afghanistan), Humanitarian Service Medal, National Defense Medal (x2), and the Navy Expert Pistol and Rifle Medals.

Training and Certifications

Foreign Disclosure Officer (FDO) Certification, U.S. Army Defense Security Service (2016)

Navy Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence School, FITCPAC San Diego, CA (2009)

Naval Intelligence Officer Basic Indoctrination School, NMITC in Dam Neck, VA (2007)

Navy Direct Commission Officer (DCO) School, NAS Pensacola (2006)

Navy Combat Information Center Officer (CICO) School, FCTPAC San Diego, CA (1990)

Navy Shipboard Intelligence Officer (SIO) School, FITCPAC San Diego, CA (1989)

Coast Guard Officer Candidate School (OCS), RESTRACEN Yorktown, VA (1989)


MA from Georgetown University (1993)

Area of Expertise

Homeland Security, Intelligence, Maritime Security, National Security, Organizational Change, Terrorism