Gail Matthews-DeNatale
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 617.373.8150
- Linkedin: @LinkedIn
In addition to her role as Lecturer and doctoral thesis chair for the Graduate School of Education, Dr. Matthews-DeNatale is an Associate Director at Northeastern's Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research (CATLR). In this capacity she consults with faculty on the development of courses and programs, collaborates with faculty on scholarship in relation to teaching and learning, and leads programs such as inquiry groups and workshops to foster opportunities for faculty learning and dialogue.
From 2011 to 2016, Dr. Matthews-DeNatale was a full-time Assistant Teaching Professor for the Graduate School of Education. In that capacity, she founded the eLearning and Instructional Design M.Ed. program and chaired the Faculty Academic Council’s Academic Programs Committee. Prior to Northeastern, she held positions at Simmons College, George Mason University, and The University of South Carolina.
Gail was the recipient Northeastern University’s 2014 CPS Award for Teaching Excellence and the international Online Learning Consortium’s 2013 Learning Effectiveness Award. She is a founding board member of the Association of Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). From 2011-14 she led Northeastern’s involvement in Connect to Learning, a FIPSE-funded national network that developed the Catalyst for Learning framework of effective ePortfolio practice ( In addition to authoring many publications, she provides editorial review for numerous publications, including Teaching and Learning Inquiry and Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education.
Gail’s teaching experience includes the development and instruction of courses on models for learning design, open learning, oral history, digital storytelling, learning analytics concepts and theories, and how people learn. The focus of her research is on integrative learning and identity development in digital environments.