2nd Annual Webinar on Supplier Diversity in Higher Education


Thursday, June 22, 10:00am-11:00am ET


Boston, MA

John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute 40 Leon Street Boston, MA 02115

The Northeastern Lab for Inclusive Entrepreneurship’s webinar on June 22 will highlight the preliminary findings of a survey of procurement professionals in higher education. How are they translating words of institutional commitment into action? What are the drivers of greater supplier diversity? And what steps can to be taken to sustain progress? 

Joining us to share their perspectives are Nicole Obi, President and CEO of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, Jerry Epps, Director of Vendor Diversity at Babson College and member of the Lab’s Advisory Council, and Roy Anderson, lecturer and former VP of Global Procurement at MetLife. 

To register for the webinar, click here.