Barry DeCristofano
Engineering Specialist & Director of Business Service
Blue Heron STEM Education, Inc.
Engineering Specialist, Blue Heron STEM Education, Inc. (2016-present)
Develop and provide professional development programming for middle and elementary school teachers, enabling them to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into curricula.
Senior Lecturer, Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies, Mechanical Engineering Technology (2001-present).
Engineering Curriculum Content Consultant (2006-2010)
Children & Family Educator (1989-2015)
WORK HISTORY: Chemical Engineering
Various Positions as a Chemical Engineer, U.S. Army Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center (1983-2015)
Project Officer for the Electrotextiles program, 2012-2015; Blast Protection Team member, 2004-2015; Adaptive Insulation Project member, 2010-2015; Team Leader, Directed Energy Team, 1997‑2003; Project Officer for the Thermal Protection Program, 1994-1997; Team Member, Special Projects Section, 1983‑1988; detailed as Executive Officer for Chief, Life Support Systems Division 1986-1988.
“Actuators Based on Unbalanced Moments of Inertia”, Stephen A. Fossey and Barry S. DeCristofano, Patent #9,163,334, 20 October 2015.
“Actuators Based on Unbalanced Moments of Inertia Incorporating Voids” (working title), Stephen A. Fossey and Barry S. DeCristofano, 2015 (patent applied for).
Authored/Co-authored over 80 publications in the areas of non-linear optics, shock wave phenomena, materials science, and human physiological responses under extreme conditions.
MS Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University, 1993
MS Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, 1986
BS Chemical Engineering, Lafayette College, 1981
Additional Coursework:
Graduate course work in Physics and Material Science at MIT, 2003:
Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials, Electromagnetic Wave Theory,
Nonlinear Optics, Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics, Solid-State Physics