1) Sharply Focused on Operational and Interpersonal Excellence,
2) Dedicated to Maximizing Quality, Effectiveness, and Ensuring Innovation,
3) Attentively Focused on Strategic Long-Term Goals and Tactically Meeting Client Needs
There are three threads that are woven throughout Doug’s career in both corporate and academic settings. The first thread is his ability to expertly balance the need for being exceedingly task focused from an operational perspective, while maintaining the interpersonal connections necessary to ensure that relationships are built and developed over time. Doug sees the relational aspect as crucial to being able to work together and focus on the need to get the job done. This was seen recently in his ability to develop, implement, and complete internal program reviews for nearly 40 undergraduate and 25 graduate programs in less than 7 months. Using his training as an executive coach at HP and EDS, as well as his conflict management skills learned via his training as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Doug navigated the relational aspect by meeting personally with all major stakeholders. Using a rolling wave approach to the project implementation; having deans prioritize programs and “chunking” the work into four deliverables facilitated and managed both the emotional and relational components.
The second thread for Doug is his “need” to drive innovative quality improvements and deliver consistent results. Doug uses his extensive knowledge of and experience in research to emphasize the need for collecting and analyzing data, as well as discussing results with key technical people to focus on where the “best” improvements can be made that will benefit both the client, employer, and employee perspectives. An example of this is seen when Doug was the manager of the Training Needs and Program Evaluation team at the Center for Domestic Preparedness (under the auspices of FEMA), Doug was able to develop a plan for not only significantly improving the training provided for first responders, but reduce the costs by more than $1.5 million dollars per year. Doug received letters of recommendation from both the FEMA Program Manager at the CDP and the DoD Director at Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) for this effort.
The final thread throughout Doug’s career is his attention to the balancing of strategic, long-term goals while meeting the tactical needs of the client. As the program manager of one of the five initiatives associated with the integration efforts of Hewlett-Packard’s acquisition of Electronic Data System, Doug managed a three phased program to implementing Microsoft Project Server (MSPS) as a single project management tool used by all former EDS and HP project managers across the Americas (USA, Canada, Central and South America). This two year program allowed for the staging of all former EDS and HP employees into MSPS in preparation for the strategic transition to the HP Project Management tool that was in development. In conjunction with this program, Doug helped facilitate the development of a set of project management infrastructures that included the establishment of a criterion for determining a project’s status, project reporting templates for both senior management and client, as well as the process for conducting a series of bimonthly meetings with senior executives and operational delivery teams for assisting projects that were “off-track”. All this was completed on time and without any negative impact to the clients of HP.
Professional Experience
Community College of Rhode Island – Warwick, RI (2016-2018)
Prior Learning and Career Advancement Coordinator; Program Director, TAACCCT Grant; Interim Director of Assessment
Progressed from Prior Learning Coordinator, to Program Director of the TAACCCT grant, to Interim Director of Assessment at CCRI during a time of great transition at the college.
· Developed the inaugural Academic Assessment Policy
· Developed the extensive institutional response to NEASC (regional accreditor) follow-up requests regarding student learning outcomes and graduation rates
· Implemented a web-based Annual Academic Program reporting process using SharePoint
· Presented on the development of the innovative prior learning protocol develop at CCRI as a part of a federally funded TAACCCT grant – click to see a special video created for the event highlighting the innovations
· Assessed the current protocols for PLA in Rhode Island in conjunction with the Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner, and the state’s colleges and universities
· Created a state of the art, Best- and Next-practices Prior Learning policy
· Revised and implemented the Prior Learning process, procedures, and work instructions
· Initiated and implemented proactively the CAEL Prior Learning Assessment Accelerator
Northeastern University – Boston, MA (2013-2018)
Director, Academic Quality Assurance, Adjunct, teaching graduate level Leadership courses
Developed and implemented a strategic college-wide academic program evaluation plan that assessed student learning outcomes, incorporated progressive improvement plans, and increased instructional innovation in ~40 undergraduate and 25 graduate programs that met or exceeded academic accreditation standards.
· Facilitated the college in receiving a $4,000,000 First-In-The-World grant from the Department of Education and developed the program evaluation plan for the grant
· Coordinated external accreditation efforts for: NEASC (5th year Interim), ABET for engineering programs, AACSB for business programs, GIS for Geographic Information systems and GAC for Project Management
· Redesigned and taught graduate courses in Leadership and Human Services, as well as undergraduate courses in Social Sciences
Newbury College – Boston, MA (2014-2015)
Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
· Restructured the three academic schools into four academic schools
· Restructured the nine Program Manager model to a four Academic Dean model
· Rebuilt the $5.3 million budget and reduced it by more than 3% in preparation for a reduction in enrollment
· Directed and implemented an annual program review process, ensuring that periodic goal-setting and ongoing evaluation of the undergraduate degree programs.
· Directed and oversaw nine Academic Program Directors, 30 full-time and 50 part-time faculty members
LaGrange College – LaGrange, GA (2004-2010)
Director, Graduate Program in Organizational Leadership
· Improved quality of theses and the overall quality of the program by implementing strategic changes to course offerings and curriculum
Director, Institutional Effectiveness
· Developed and implemented a campus-wide program evaluation plan
· Implemented and proposed recommendations for retention of students and program performance that were linked to departmental student learning outcomes and program objectives
Adjunct Professor
· Taught graduate courses in leadership, statistics, and research methods
· Taught undergraduate courses in psychology (clinical, abnormal, and life span developmental)
Hewlett-Packard – Alpharetta, GA (1999-2010)
Program Manager in the Americas Program Management Office
· Established and facilitated the U.S. East Project Review Forum to provide oversight and visibility into 300+ projects, driving quality improvements, and process compliance
· Instrumental in saving tens of millions in lost revenue related to benchmarking by quickly interpreting complex statistical data and determining the validity of a third-party’s assessments
· Increased project completion rate from 70% to 98% on Bellsouth account by implementing an innovative method of monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of projects and project managers.
· Managed worldwide team that developed project Early Warning Indicators (EWI) as a means for proactively intervening in projects earlier, increase project effectiveness, and increase cost savings
· Coached and provided 360° assessment feedback of leaders for the Global HP Talent Management organization
Professional Activities & Accomplishments
Education & Certifications
Doctor of Philosophy, Child and Family Development, specializing in Integration of Statistics, Psychometrics, and Survey Methodology, University of Georgia – Athens, GA
Master of Science, Child Development and Family Science, Marriage and Family Therapy, North Dakota State University – Fargo, ND
Bachelor of Arts, Double Major: (1) Psychology, (2) Child Development and Family Science, North Dakota State University – Fargo, ND
Associate’s Certificate in Project Management (February, 2004), ESI-International and George Washington University – Washington, DC
Certified Academic Program Evaluator (Silver level: November, 2013), Kirkpatrick Partners – Atlanta, GA
Certified Academic Program Evaluator (Bronze level; May, 2010), Kirkpatrick Partners – Atlanta, GA
Certified 360° Feedback Coach (December, 2007), Personal Decisions International (PDI) – now Korn-Ferry
Data Decisions Academy (2010-2013) – through a Federal grant, I taught Community College leaders how to do Institutional Research and Effectiveness at their institutions
Publications & Citations (available upon request)
3 Book Chapters on Family Process impacts on Child Development and a Special Report on Consistency in Student Success in American Baccalaureate Institutions
14 Publications (more than 2000 citations) in journals such as: International Journal of Psychology, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Developmental Psychology, Child Development, and the Journal of Marriage and the Family
17 Research Presentations at International, National, and Regional conferences such as: National Institute on Assessment of Adult Learning, Society for research in Child Development, National Council on Family Relations, Society for Research on Adolescence, and the Gerontological Society of America