Robert Booth
I have been actively working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the last 21 years. My background is in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Paleoecology.
While doing Archaeology in Texas in the early 1990’s, I became interested in GIS. I studied GIS and Quaternary Studies at Northern Arizona University, during which time I started the Museum of Northern Arizona’s GIS program. I worked at Esri for 10 years in the Software Products group, creating tutorials, books, online help, and tutorial videos. Since that time I’ve also worked with the MIT GIS Lab, and with Software Foundry, a small software development company.
In addition to teaching and software development/QA/documentation, I do freelance GIS work (analysis, Python script development, models) for industry and educational customers. I am particularly interested in 3D and time data visualization, data exploration, and software usability.
In my spare time I like reading, photography, wood working, welding, travel, and vertical caving.