William McAteer


Bill has over twenty-eight years of law enforcement experience recently retired as a Commander with the Port of Seattle Police Department where he served in several positions including Airport, Seaport and Administrative Roles. Bill served on The Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network (ALEAN) Board of Directors and where he  Chaired the Growth and Development Committee. In the spring of 2014 Bill served as an Executive Producer and a member of the Technical Committee on the National Safe Skies Alliance’s Airport Active Shooter Video. For this video Bill served as the on-site subject matter expert, production lead and also has several appearances in the video to include one on one interviews. Bill has conducted several threat assessments that relate to active threat response and conducted an extensive amount of research on this topic including his Master’s Thesis work which was specific to active shooters in airports.

In addition to his extensive amount of law enforcement experience Bill has a wealth of experience in the Aviation Security field and is an Airport Certified Employee (ACE) Security through the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). He is a certified Airport Security Coordinator (ASC) and served on several Airport Security Committees at the Sea-Tac International Airport where he assisted in the development of several aviation security policies. Bill holds several ICS related certifications and has served as the Incident Commander at several security related incidents while working at Sea-Tac.

Bill just recently joined Venuetize where he is the Vice President of Sales for Airports and Mass Transit. Bill has presented on a National Level on several topics to include Active Shooter response for organizations such as Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network (ALEAN) and Airports Council International North America (ACI-NA).

Professional Activities & Accomplishments

  • American Association of Airport Executives Airport Certified Employee- Security

  • Airport Security Coordinator Certification (AAAE)

  • ASIS Florida West Coast Chapter Member

  • National Incident Management System (NIMS) Professional Development Series Certification

  • Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Certification

  • Northwestern School for Police Staff and Command (2005)

  • Police Executive Research Forum Senior Management Institute for Police (2011)

  • Gavin de Becker Advanced Threat Assessment Academy (2006)


MA from United States Military Academy (2014)