
Dr. Charles A. Findley, Ph.D., innovator and futurist, holds a Ph.D. in Speech Communication with a supporting program in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota, a Master of Arts Degree from the University of Hawaii, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana University and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Northeastern University.  

In the early 1970’s Dr. Findley implemented the first information retrieval system for Communication Studies professionals for the Education Resource Information Clearinghouse (ERIC) for Reading and Communication Skills.

During the 1980’s, Dr. Findley was co-designer with Jo-Anne Wyer O’Brien and project manager for Decision Point, the first management gaming simulation for interactive video disk, produced by Digital Equipment Corporation and winner of Nebraska, Interactive Video Disk Award for the Best Overall program in 1985. The Decision Point innovation of multi-media simulation to management education served as a research tool for graduate level instructional design education and as prototype to emulate in corporate training.

In the late 1980’s, Dr. Findley headed the Collaborative Networked Learning project at Digital Equipment Corporation. As project manager Dr. Findley conducted trend analysis and developed prototypes of collaborative learning environments, which became the basis for research, development and implementation of Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Networked Learning (CNL) and Collaborative learning-work (CLW), which used windows based multimedia, desktop computers for computer conferencing, groupware and multi-media support systems for college and industry training. Dr. Findley continued his innovative use of technology as co-designer and project manager for the S.P.I.N., Service Providers Information Network at Harvard School of Public Health, the first computerized database and computer conferencing system for HIV/AIDS service providers in New England, which was premiered at the Academy for the Advancement of Science in 1992.

In the early 1990’s, Dr. Findley, founded Designs for Living Associates, Inc. and opened the first Cyber-Cafe in New England using desktop workstations connected by 1200 BTS dial-up telephone lines to connected to the first web sites and email servers.  The Cyber-Café initiative continued until 2016 as a prototype third space providing wireless access.  Dr. Findley continues his research and development in collaborative networked learning and educational reform through demonstration projects, writing, consulting and teaching.


PhD from University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (1971)

Area of Expertise

Collaborative Networked Learning, Communication Competencies, Communication Studies, Future Studies, intercultural communication, Research Methodologies