CPS Announces Experiential Learning Award Winners

The Experiential Learning Awards are a recognition opportunity for students within the College of Professional Studies. They are awarded to students who have successfully integrated the classroom with real world projects, going above and beyond in their educational journeys. Our programs engage students with the world through professional work, research, and service on seven continents. They learn how to transform ideas into impact and become global citizens with successful careers.  Each year we recognize outstanding students who demonstrate great skills while on Co-op, through XN projects or sponsorship, through the Experiential Learning Awards. We hear nominations of highly accomplished students about what they were able to accomplish through our experiential opportunities. The students selected for these awards are nominated by their Co-op employers, XN Project Sponsors, Faculty or staff. The awards are broken down into three main categories: Co-op Excellence, XN Excellence, and Humanics.  

Cooperative Excellence Award Winners

This award is for students who have demonstrated dedication and success in improving their organization through their workplace contributions and experiential learning.

Isha Barot MS Analytics, 2020

“Isha joined Tradewater during a period of transition for our Engineering department and was quickly asked to take over many of the responsibilities of a full-time developer. She helped us implement a new CRM system, a new call center software tool, and API integrations for both. She also developed new sets of metrics to track the implementation and success of our refrigerant collection programs. All of this was done with a great work ethic and a wonderful attitude that made Isha a pleasure to work with.” – Kevin Schwartzenberg, Director of Engineering and Innovation at Tradewater Watch Isha’s nomination video Adam Masciangelo MS Regulatory Affairs for Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices, 2019 “Adam joined VoxNeuro as part of this program and is now a full-time employee at VoxNeuro leading our FDA strategy, ISO 13485 development, and audit, along with full training and implementation of our QSPs. He has an incredible ability to think at a high-level while simplifying his communications for the average colleague. He is diligent, articulate, thoughtful, and a no-nonsense speaker, when he speaks, the team listens. I have personally received emails from our regulatory consultants, our main contact at the FDA and Health Canada, as well as our most valued investors, who all had gone out of their way to share with me how professional, productive, focused, and reliable Adam was for them. Adam is young in his career yet taking on a leadership role and thriving. I can see the pressure he is under and he manages it like a seasoned veteran.” – James Connoly, CEO of VoxNeuro

XN Excellence Award Winners

Experiential Network (XN) helps Northeastern University students work in their respective fields while working with different sponsors on a wide array of projects. The XN Experiential Awards celebrated a student who excelled in their XN curricular course project by applying knowledge gained in their academic program through the integration of key theoretical elements and related practical experiences.

Nicole Bernstein MS Corporate & Organizational Communication, 2019

“Nicole thoroughly reviewed CareerAgility’s content strategy across all internal and external channels as well as marketing collateral/materials and provided recommendations on how to drive the CareerAgility brand forward by gaining visibility from prospective clients, and establishing thought leadership in the diversity, inclusion and belonging industry. Nicole provided insightful and practical recommendations – the sponsor was so impressed that they asked her to serve as a consultant (which our guidelines do not permit). This was a top-notch experiential capstone!” – Carl Zangerl, Program Lead of Corporate and Organizational Communication Watch Nicole’s nomination video  

Joshua Roberts MS Project Management, 2019

“Mr. Roberts made a highly favorable impression in my project management integrated experiential learning seminar. This advanced course requires students to apply principles of project management within their own professional workplace. For the course, as part of Joshua’s broader responsibilities as an associate production manager for a Boston-based theatrical company, he meticulously researched, created, and then implemented a tailor-made and comprehensive internal communications plan and external social media campaign that applied principles of organizational management. His project focused on the interrelation among various determinants of effective organizational communication and the impact of these determinants on successful outcomes for his theater company’s managers, actors, and staff as well as the audiences attending each theatrical production.” – Peter Lifton, Professor

Watch Joshua’s nomination video  

Humanics Award Winners

Humanics is specifically the integration of technical literacy, data literacy, and human literacy. This award celebrates and highlights a student who exhibits and demonstrates Humanics, contributes significantly to the understanding of the universe, and practices lifelong learning by combining technical, data, and interpersonal skills throughout their Northeastern career and within their respective communities. 

Andres (Carlos) Garcia BS Liberal Studies 2020

“The student exhibited exemplary qualities of intentionality and passion during his Capstone course, in which Carlos researched mindfulness practices and techniques best suited in a yoga format for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Carlos’s research worked to break down barriers allowing for an inclusive and enriching environment for all while practicing mindfulness. Carlos was also very helpful in providing his peers with thoughtful feedback on their projects during peer-review. Carlos deserves this award because of his unwavering focus to help others be more inclusive.” – Steven Soares, Professor

Chen Fang (Anna) Hung MS Project Management, 2020

“Chen Fang (Anna) Hung is a dependable, hard-working intern who has contributed greatly to our online support group for Chinese women living with breast cancer with her bi-lingual capacity and tech support. Her knowledge about WeChat and her dedication to the project enables us to capture valuable data and assess the effectiveness of this new initiative!” – Chien-Chi Huang, Executive Director of Asian Women for Health Watch Anna’s nomination video Congratulations to all of this year’s Experiential Learning Award winners!