Faces of CPS: Valeria Garcia Nin

MS Digital Media ’24

Three Words to Describe Northeastern:

Enlightening | Adventure | Growth

Getting a degree while life is happening isn’t always easy. How have you faced and overcome some of these challenges?

My biggest challenge as a graduate student has been engaging with the broader Northeastern community. Living off-campus sometimes makes it hard to motivate myself to come to campus for anything beyond academics.

To overcome this, I had to tackle self-imposed mental blocks, many stemming from past social anxiety. I realized that opportunities don’t just come to you, you need to seek them out. I took a job on campus, talked to classmates, and attended as many events as I could fit into my schedule. 

What inspired you to join the Northeastern community?

I was drawn to Northeastern because of my degree’s curriculum. The coursework aligned perfectly with my interests and goals, making it an easy decision to apply.

Once I started, I discovered even more: the friendly, open, and inspiring Northeastern community. I’ve met incredible peers and faculty who share amazing stories and aspirations. These connections have not only inspired me but also helped me grow as a young professional. 

What has your journey at Northeastern revealed to you about yourself?

My journey has revealed a strength of character I didn’t know I had. Through hard work and constantly pushing my comfort zones, I’ve become more confident in engaging with others and seeking out opportunities.

Northeastern has helped me develop a strong sense of self and shown me that I am capable of achieving more than I ever imagined.

What advice would you give to others considering higher education?

Take advantage of every opportunity around you. Higher education isn’t just about learning what you’re passionate about, it’s also about growing as an individual.

Engage in events, networking opportunities, and your community of peers, faculty, and staff. These experiences can teach you invaluable lessons about yourself and the world. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I envision myself thriving as a Social Media or Marketing Manager at an agency.

What are some of your hobbies and passions?

I have two main passions: creativity and fitness.

On the creative side, I love activities that spark my imagination, like singing, playing guitar, cooking, baking, embroidery, drawing, photography, and painting. On the fitness side, I like to stay active and moving by running, biking, boxing, yoga, hiking, and climbing.