Sanover Tasneem

Three words encapsulate your Northeastern University experience:
Thrilling | Serendipitous | Empowering

Getting a degree while life is happening isn’t always easy. How have you faced and overcome some of these challenges?

While the journey hasn’t always been easy, it has been very exhilarating. As an international student, the cultural differences present some obvious challenges. But the people I’ve met here and the professors in the courses never make me feel out of the place.

As a first-generation student, I needed financial support for my education and getting an on-campus position was tough. Applying and securing a co-op was also a big hurdle. Overall, CPS has given me a lot of opportunities to showcase my abilities and use the skills from my past work experience in India. I have just been so grateful for all the good things supporting my life and education here.

What do you do when you aren’t working, studying?

During my time at Northeastern, I have been very active in a lot of events. Be it orientation, homecoming, or giving day I always join these events and make connections there. So, one of my hobbies is collecting all sorts of goodies from Northeastern!

I really enjoy communications and serve as the Treasurer and SEO expert in Husky Communication – a student led organization at Northeastern. In my non-Northeastern activities, I also love reading and writing, especially fiction and biographies. And I love to travel. Whenever I get some time, or I have a semester break I go on travelling expedition and also make reels out of my experiences on Instagram.

I travelled solo to Cape Cod, New York, and Niagara Falls so far and I hope to cover more places. I also am a music fan. I listen to and sing Indian and English pop songs. Always a Swifty and Arijit’s fan!

Have you learned anything about yourself along the way?

My journey at Northeastern has been so much more than just a college or work experience. Moving entirely to a new country knowing no one has empowered me to try out everything on my own. I have learned that it is always worth it to take the leap of faith. Life is all about learning and trying new things. Even if you don’t succeed, every new experience is worth it because of the beautiful aspects you discover along the journey.


What is it like to be a part of the Northeastern community?


I feel immense pride to represent my country at this global university which is so diverse and inclusive. I have never felt out of place here. The students I study with and the colleagues I have been working with, their trust and support towards me it makes me feel so valued.

What advice do you have for others considering higher education — either at Northeastern or elsewhere?

Opting for higher education requires a whole lot of consideration and evaluation. Some of the advice I would like to share from my personal experience are:

Where do you see yourself after graduation?

I am hoping to continue my current work in my Marketing Analyst position once I graduate and will start applying for relevant jobs in and around Boston. Over the next five years, I see myself in a successful job as a Data Analyst.

I always wanted to help others, and generating employment is one of the best ways to help people. Ultimately, I hope to start my own business as an entrepreneur where I can create jobs for others. I am also a great reader and writer and I hope to publish my book one day. Finger crossed!

Anything else you’d like to add?


I will just add that I am so thankful to my friends and colleagues here at Northeastern. Their immense love, belief, and support has helped me throughout this journey.

I can’t believe how close I am to graduation now. Time flies!!!