Swapnesh Satishkumar Tiwari

Three words encapsulate your Northeastern University experience:
Reflective | Transformative | Collaborative

College is hard, even in the best of times. What challenges did you face while navigating your journey at Northeastern and how did you face them?

Managing Course Load: courses are challenging and time-consuming. To manage this, I’ve learned to prioritize my assignments and spread my study sessions to avoid cramming. Utilizing tools like planners and digital calendars has been essential for keeping track of deadlines and exams. Furthermore, I actively participate in study groups where sharing insights and explanations helps reinforce my understanding of complex topics.

Each professor has their unique teaching style, and not all of them may align with my learning preferences. To adapt, I’ve taken the initiative to attend office hours and engage directly with professors to clarify doubts and gain deeper insights into the subject matter. This direct interaction not only enhances my understanding but also builds a rapport with the professor, which can be beneficial for future networking.

The pressure to perform well academically can be daunting, leading to stress and anxiety. To cope with this, I focus on setting realistic goals and reminding myself that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as I learn from them. I also utilize the university’s resources, such as academic advising and mental health services, to gain support and guidance on managing stress effectively.

What are some of the biggest opportunities or lessons learned during your journey at Northeastern?

The diverse academic opportunities at Northeastern, from co-ops to research projects, ignited and deepened my passion for learning. Engaging with different fields and integrating practical experience with theoretical knowledge revealed a keen interest in lifelong learning and continuous personal and professional development.

The varied experiences at Northeastern, especially as a student ambassador, including interacting with a diverse student body and participating in global experiences, teach adaptability. I’ve had the opportunity to learn how to thrive in diverse settings, adapting to different cultures, environments, and professional expectations.

Through group projects and collaborative research, I have also discovered my capabilities and preferences in teamwork settings. Learning to leverage the strengths of others and contribute my own effectively has given me essential insight into my collaborative style and leadership potential.

What advice do you have for others who may consider pursing higher education?

Where do you see yourself in the future?

I am very much interested in how technology works and as an alumna now working in clinical informatics after taking informatics as my major from Northeastern University has given me an ideal career to advance myself. Specially, I am motivated by the potential impact of my work. I want to contribute meaningfully to society, whether through technological innovation, helping communities, or influencing policies.