Ph.D. Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Political Science, 2014
Dissertation: “Where do Delegative Democracies go wrong: The case of Argentina”
Comprehensive examinations passed with high distinctions
Concentrations: Political Economy and Democratization
M.A. Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Political Science, 2007
M.A. Brandeis University, Waltham MA. International Economics and Finance, 2005
B.A. Emmanuel College, Boston, MA, 2003
cum laude in Economics and Management. Graduated with Distinction in the Field of Economics
Professional Experience
MIT –JPAL Poverty Lab, Cambridge, MA, 2010
Statistical Training for randomized experiments in Economics.
Harvard University – John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA, 2001
Visiting student for graduate and undergraduate classes.
Consultant, Master Teacher
Finance Experience
HMS Financial Group, Dedham, MA
Research Associate
Professional Activities & Accomplishments
Emmanuel College, Boston MA
Lecturer (Economics, Political Science and History Departments),
Tufts University, Boston MA
Summer Fuel Boston, Instructor
Massbay Community College, Boston MA
Adjunct Professor of Economics
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Lecturer, College of Professional Studies
Lecturer, Political Science Department, Spring 2006 – Fall 2011
Teaching Assistant – Political Science Department and International Affairs
Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA
Senior Instructor (MBA program), Spring 2018 – present
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Teaching Assistant– Economics Department and International Business School,
Rhodes University (Northeastern and Rutgers Universities), Grahamstown, South Africa
Senior Trainer, Global Pact for Activism and Cross Cultural Training (GPACT)
Go Open Grant Level II- 2016– The Massachusetts Community College Open Education Council
Grant funded the creation of Open Educational Resources to be used in Principles of Macroeconomic classes.
Go Open Grant Leve II 2017 – The Massachusetts Community College Open Education Council
Grant funded the creation of Open Educational Resources to be used in Principles of Microeconomics classes.
Heads up! Colleges of the Fenway Academic Technology Showcase, OERs at Emmanuel College & COF
“Use of OERs in the classroom.” Poster Presentation, CPS, Northeastern Faculty Conference
OERs at Emmanuel, Level Up!, Emmanuel College
Faculty Showcase “Teaching Transforms,” Teaching with OERs at Emmanuel College
HUELLAS Leadership and Empowerment Summit, Emmanuel College
Globalization and Intergovernmental Organizations, Northeastern University
Use of Videos to Increase Engagement and Concept Retention in the Classroom, AP Economics Conference 2018, St Louis Federal Reserve Bank
Use of Student-Created Videos in Principle Classes, AP Economics Conference 2018, St Louis Federal Reserve Bank
Heads Up, NETA Conference, Indianapolis
Faculty Showcase “Teaching Transforms,” Teaching with OERs at Emmanuel College
Delegative Democracies: The Case of Argentina » Authoritarianism and Authoritarian Tendencies Panel at NPSA Conference,
“Bolivarian Nationalism in Venezuela”: Nationalism Conference, Global Studies Association and Pace University, New York, NY
“Global PACTs: Teaching Civil Society in a Multicultural Context” (with Denise Horn). International Students Association Annual Meeting
“Global PACTs: Teaching Civil Society in a Multicultural Context” (with Denise Horn). American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Charlotte, NC