Northeastern hosts open house at Seattle graduate campus

Seattle graduate campus dean and CEO Tayloe Washburn.

North­eastern University–Seattle wel­comed more than 600 vis­i­tors at an open house last week to show­case the university’s new grad­uate campus and the dynamic grad­uate degree pro­grams it offers in high-​​demand fields such as cyber­se­cu­rity, health infor­matics, com­puter sci­ence, bioin­for­matics, and engineering.

At the event, prospec­tive stu­dents joined Seattle-​​area busi­ness leaders and elected offi­cials, as well as North­eastern alumni, to share infor­ma­tion about the uni­ver­sity. The dis­cus­sions focused on oppor­tu­ni­ties stem­ming from the strong con­nec­tion between the region’s economy and Northeastern’s lead­er­ship in areas spe­cific to the advanced knowl­edge needed to power Seattle’s growing industries.

“The event was a great suc­cess,” said Tayloe Wash­burn, North­eastern University-Seattle’s dean and CEO. “We had intense activity and dis­cus­sions for three hours, where our vis­i­tors showed a serious and deep interest in areas such as our research activ­i­ties, co-​​op pro­gram, aca­d­emic pro­grams, and com­mu­nity engagement.”

The group inter­acted through info ses­sions and mul­ti­media sta­tions to explore the university’s edu­ca­tional and research enter­prise and learn about the 28 grad­uate degree pro­grams offered. The degrees, designed for working pro­fes­sionals, are deliv­ered through an inno­v­a­tive hybrid edu­ca­tion model that merges online and on-​​campus learning.

The open house gave vis­i­tors a glimpse of Northeastern’s sig­na­ture co-​​op pro­gram and high­lighted the ways in which the university’s inno­v­a­tive research and global net­work of alumni and busi­ness part­ner­ships could lead to new, valu­able col­lab­o­ra­tions with industry and gov­ern­ment in the Seattle region.

Audience members networked and learned about Northeastern University-Seattle’s graduate programs at an open house Thursday.

King County Exec­u­tive Dow Con­stan­tine and Seattle City Council Pres­i­dent Sally Clark also spoke at the event, wel­coming North­eastern to the community.

The Seattle campus opened in December in the city’s South Lake Union sec­tion. The open house, Wash­burn noted, was the campus’ first public event and was part of the ongoing effort to intro­duce North­eastern Uni­ver­sity to the Puget Sound region and form mean­ingful part­ner­ships. The campus in December also hosted rep­re­sen­ta­tives from 50 top area-​​businesses to net­work to explore co-​​op employer rela­tion­ships and col­lab­o­ra­tions with Northeastern’s Career Services.