Northeastern launches new degree programs at Charlotte graduate campus

Northeastern’s grad­uate campus in Char­lotte, N.C. , is launching nine new degree pro­grams in areas such as energy sys­tems and infor­ma­tion assur­ance, which will more than double the university’s aca­d­emic offer­ings in fields that are vital to the growth of the greater Char­lotte region.

“These pro­grams meet a crit­ical work­place need within indus­tries Char­lotte is attracting to build its future,” said Cheryl Richards, the CEO and regional dean of the Char­lotte campus, which opened in 2011.

The new degrees—in energy sys­tems, engi­neering man­age­ment, com­puter sci­ence, infor­ma­tion assur­ance, nursing, phys­ical therapy, reg­u­la­tory affairs, crim­inal jus­tice, and public administration—are all existing pro­grams taught at Northeastern’s main campus in Boston. Degree pro­grams at Northeastern’s grad­uate cam­puses are based on a “hybrid delivery” model, which involves the inte­gra­tion of online and class­room learning where fac­ulty mem­bers teach courses both at the regional cam­puses and online. The hybrid learning approach is ideal for working pro­fes­sionals, Richards said, because it com­bines the tra­di­tional ben­e­fits of face-​​to-​​face instruc­tion with the flex­i­bility of online learning.

“Energy sys­tems, for example, is a wel­come pro­gram to the Char­lotte com­mu­nity as the city works to posi­tion itself as the nation’s new energy cap­ital” Richards said.

Charlotte’s degree pro­grams were deter­mined in col­lab­o­ra­tion with research from local orga­ni­za­tions including the Char­lotte Chamber of Com­merce and the Char­lotte Regional Part­ner­ship , which iden­ti­fied key areas for growth such as energy, health­care, and finance. Admin­is­tra­tors in Char­lotte and Boston then worked with Northeastern’s col­leges to iden­tify pro­grams that met those needs and deter­mined how best to bring them to the grad­uate campus.

“You take that infor­ma­tion from the Chamber and the Char­lotte Regional Part­ner­ship and you marry that to pro­grams where North­eastern has sig­nif­i­cant exper­tise and you meet an industry need in a new region,” Richards said. “Take, for example, our pro­grams in col­leges like the D’Amore-McKim School of Busi­ness Bouvé Col­lege of Health Sci­ences , and the Col­lege of Engi­neering , com­bined with our ini­tia­tives in health, sus­tain­ability, and secu­rity, and you start to see a map of where we can expand in new regions in the future.”

Northeastern’s grad­uate campus in Char­lotte will begin offering the new pro­grams in the fall.

On May 9, 2013, WFAE 90.7, Charlotte’s NPR News Source, ran a segment on the launch of nine degree programs in Charlotte. Listen to Northeastern-Charlotte Doubles Graduate Programs.