English Language Requirements

Non-native English speakers who are not subject to the test waiver policy are required to take one of the authorized proficiency exams below. Prospective students must achieve at least the minimum test score result to be considered for admission to their preferred program of study. Test results are valid for two years from the date of the exam. 

Prospective students should self-report their test score results and upload a test-taker score report when prompted to do so on the application. If accepted, new students are required to arrange that their official scores be sent to Northeastern. All official test score results must be received directly from the testing institution.

Global Pathways Program Prospective students who take one of the authorized proficiency exams below and do not achieve the minimum test score requirements for admissions consideration may be eligible to apply to Northeastern’s Global Pathways program, which assists students to strengthen their academics, transition to American culture and an American classroom, and improve English skills.

*Please note – For students applying to our Canadian campuses who are eligible for and wish to apply for a Study Permit via Student Direct Stream (SDS), the IELTS is the only English Language test accepted with the SDS application. Students not applying via SDS are welcome to apply with TOEFL or IELTS. For more information about SDS, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/student-direct-stream.html.

English Exam Waiver 

Prospective students who meet any of the following conditions are not required to take an English proficiency exam as part of the application process:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL Code for CPS: 4999)

Internet-based and measures four areas of English language skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. 

The College of Professional Studies only accepts TOEFL results from the ETS database. Please use institution code 4999.

Doctor of Education100
All other graduate programs79 and a writing portion of 20
Bachelor’s Completion79

Academic IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Measures ability to communicate in English across listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.

The College of Professional Studies only accepts IELTS results delivered to our Electronic Download account by the IELTS test center. An institution code for IELTS is NOT required. Please contact the test center where you took the IELTS test directly, and request that your test scores be sent to the account name: Northeastern University College of Professional Studies.

Graduate6.5 no band lower than 6
Doctor of Education 7 no band lower than a 6.5
Bachelor’s Completion 6.5


PTE Academic measures your English ability by testing your level of English through tasks which reflect real-life settings.

All graduate programs 53 
All bachelor’s completion programs 53 

Duolingo English Test

Duolingo English Test is a modern English proficiency assessment available online, on demand. The exam can be taken from home via a computer and webcam and is administered using computer adaptive technology, meaning that the question difficulty adapts to each test taker. The test also integrates a video interview and writing sample, all of which are sent to the institution for final assessment. The entire test experience takes just under an hour and test results are certified within 48 hours.

Doctor of Education120 68
Bachelor’s Completion105 48

ESL Pathways


All graduate programs (excluding Doctoral programs) Level 112 (*Only for SACM sponsored students)
Bachelor’s Completion Level 112


Bachelor’s Completion Advanced level certificate

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